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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mentor Youth Now

Half of the U.S. youth population (17.6 million kids to be exact) is considered "at-risk" of getting into trouble with the law, or "high-risk" and already in trouble. Our students are failing academically and dropping out in record numbers. Street gangs, drug addiction, child prostitution, homelessness, abuse and neglect are major concerns. Our children need help!

One solution that has been proven to work is mentoring. A mentor is a loyal advisor, a teacher or coach, confidante and role model. He or she is a special friend who serves as an advocate and makes an effort to bring out their best qualities.

I learned this first-hand in 1993 when I mentored a group of incarcerated teenage boys at a detention center through a Screenwriting Workshop that I taught. A number of the kids who were illiterate learned how to read and write through my program. A tough Latino gang leader had tattoos removed, and several of the boys wanted to go to college.

Thrilled with the results of this experience, I started a new Screenwriting Workshop, this time at a co-ed detention center. Again, these girls and boys were transformed through their experience of contributing to a screenplay, but especially from my interactions with them every week as their mentor. They opened their hearts, shared their problems, and flourished under my guidance.

Inspired by these successes, I founded a mentoring organization. I've personally mentored more than 50 of these kids and I've trained hundreds of others to mentor thousands of youth. Many of these kids have totally turned their lives around after being mentored.

You may wonder exactly what is mentoring. It's not tutoring, which involves the teaching of a skill or discipline. Mentoring depends on the nurturing of a close, personal relationship. While helping with schoolwork can be a part of it, that's just one aspect. Mentors inspire us to try harder and give us the confidence to reach for more ambitious goals. They teach us how to make good choices and also open doors to new opportunities that normally wouldn't be available.

A mentee, or prot�g�, is a novice, student or learner. At-risk youth can be of any race and religion. They generally come from disadvantaged homes in poor communities. All children need the support of a positive adult, but these particular kids especially need our help.

Research has shown that kids who are mentored have improved school attendance and better academic performance, a good appearance and attitude, less hostility, more self-esteem and many other improved qualities too numerous to name.

One success story is Tasha, a bright girl with many talents. She didn't get along with her dysfunctional family. When she was thirteen years old, she began running away from home. Tasha hung out with boys who got in trouble with the law and she was sent to several detention camps over the next few years. I met Tasha at one such facility when she was almost sixteen. She eagerly signed up for our TV Writing Workshop taught by a professional sitcom writer. The girl quickly bonded with her mentor Lisa.

When Tasha was released from the detention facility and returned to her home, her mentor continued to visit her weekly. They formed a strong bond. Tasha graduated from high school and Lisa helped her mentee apply to USC Film School and arranged for a scholarship. She was one of only fifty people in the world to be accepted into their film program. Tasha moved to Chicago where she attended her first year of law school at the University of Illinois. She's now writing film reviews for the Chicago Examiner and performing standup comedy. She attributes her success to her mentor's support.

Mentors benefit greatly from their experience. It's a powerful feeling to know that you've made a difference in someone's life. Most mentors grow on a personal and professional level through this process. They also learn about different cultures. Many people who mentor develop leadership abilities and have a more profound understanding of children. Their own family bonds strengthen, plus they receive admiration and respect from their own peers.

There are different kinds of mentoring. Here are a few:


This is traditional mentoring, sometimes referred to as a "Special Friend" or a "Big/Little" relationship. You are paired up with one child and usually meet at least once a week. The relationship tends to be close. Don't take this involvement lightly and make sure that you maintain your commitment.


With group mentoring programs, one adult volunteer builds relationships with a number of young people. Meetings can take place with a focus on a particular project or an ongoing activity.


A group of two or more adults work together as a team to mentor a group of youths. This system focuses on team building, leadership development, and community service, but it can be used for any type of program. It's helpful to have a partner(s) in case you have to miss any meetings.


Low-income families face enormous pressure in getting food and shelter. The stress can severely disrupt family life and lead to homelessness. These families can be matched with mentors (possibly your entire family) who work with them over an extended period of time. By connecting disadvantaged family members with useful community resources, helping them to develop life skills, and strengthening their foundation, you assist the family to overcome challenges.


By using email and chat rooms on the Internet, mentors can reach children all over the world. Many forms of computer-assisted learning are popular, because students have access to computers at school, libraries, and their homes.

Think carefully about what your needs are and how you can best serve youth before you decide which type of mentoring program is right for you.

There are a lot of things that you can do with your mentees. Many of these kids have never been out of their own neighborhoods. You could take them on a trip to the beach, a hike in the mountains, to a movie, bowling, restaurant, or visit a museum. Teach them how to cook, open a bank account or apply for a job. Expose them to cultural events like the theater, concerts and the circus, or just hang out and talk.

Most importantly, LISTEN! All kids need to communicate and vent. It's important to hear what they say and be as open-minded as possible. Most kids need reliable adults with whom they can talk about their fears, dreams, and concerns. Mentors serve as sounding boards, and when asked, someone who can give trustworthy advice.

Kids may not have any adults in their lives with the time, interest, or the ability to listen to them. Youth who live in institutions like shelters and detention facilities rarely confide in staff members, probation officers or teachers, for fear of punishment. Yet they might confide in you because of the trust that you have developed. It usually takes time, but when youth know that they can count on you, they will start to open up.

It's essential that you don't disappoint your mentee. Mentoring requires commitment and responsibility. You must keep your word and be dependable to have a positive effect. If you break your word, then you'll do more damage than good.

Many of these children have been let down by adults most of their lives. Imagine if you come along, full of hope and excitement, and reach out to lend them a hand. They take it and off you go, spending time together and bonding. They slowly open up and start to trust you. But then something changes in your life; perhaps you get a different job in another part of town, or you've got a new boyfriend who takes up all of your free time. Abandonment can be devastating to any child, especially at-risk kids.

It's okay if you only have sporadic time available to mentor, since even a short amount of time devoted to a youth is better than nothing. But it's essential that you communicate this clearly to your mentee. The most important thing is not to set their expectations high only to let them down later.

These children represent our future. Through your support as a mentor, you can introduce them to a larger world where they're a contributor instead of just another statistic. No matter where you live or what you do for a living, you can impact a child's life. You'll make a big difference in your community, and the world!


Jill Gurr is the Founder of Create Now (, which provides creative arts mentoring to thousands of troubled youth in Southern California. She has been featured on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams and Anderson Cooper 360�. Jill has published a book and is a consultant, trainer, coach and speaker. Visit

The #1 Reason Your Child Doesn't Want to Learn ... And What You Can Do About It

Modern schooling at the average educational institution suffers from one general impediment: the motivation to learn is often not clear to the learner, the child.

Great drama ensues if a child needs to do homework it doesn't understand the reason for. And the reason is rather far-fetched when it comes to a child's horizon: it's got almost nothing to do with the here and now and is almost completely about successes it is to feel in ten to twenty years down the road.

Ever since "modern schooling" has been established children fight against or suffer from chores like homework, assignments they don't want to do or don't understand (which, accidentally, often are two sides of the same coin), permanent bad conscience and lack of self-confidence since there's always someone in class who still seems to get it all right. And instead of building their self-esteem, those children are often openly or covertly criticized for their lack of effort by teachers, even parents and other "stakeholders". At the same time parents often notice their child can concentrate miraculously on things that have nothing to do with school but seem a least as difficult.

How come? Well, it all boils down to exactly one thing and one thing only, motivation! I know, many of you will now sadly shake their heads saying "boy, it's not as if we hadn't tried". So let's be a bit more precise here: what your child lacks is intrinsic motivation, motivation that comes from within! Surely all the other times you have seen your children really concentrate you will find they had a reasons of their own to do so. Until puberty and beyond, a child or youth is best and mainly controlled by primary motivation, i.e. the goal and the motive are one and the same, so to speak. Secondary motivation is for older youths and adults and goes like this: if I want that better paid job I need to invest a certain amount of (unpaid) overtime to make a good impression and show I stand one hundred percent behind my company's targets and goals. Trying to teach children they need to do a certain assignment because 15 years later they will get a better place at college and then, as an even later outgrowth from that, a better job and then maybe a better life, is useless. If your kids' life is already miserable and you give them assignments that make them feel more so it is very hard for them to believe that exactly this behaviour would eventually free them from all the misery life seems to hold for them (as they can see daily in the news?).

Intrinsic motivation, motivation from within, is the clue

Easier said than done. How do you bait rats? You put some poisoned appetizer in their way and hope they'll eat it and die. Indeed they do: one rat tastes it, the others stand by watching and if that pioneer rat dies they won't eat anything of it. Your children will always realize that you try to coax them into learning the very SAME stuff they know belongs to the school curriculum und any pretext. And if you try a carrot-and-stick approach you risk two equally dangerous alternatives: either your child will only work if rewarded or only to avoid punishment. That attitude will carry over into their later life and, mind you, most employers are not looking for people who only start working if rewarded or punished, they want employees who use their own good judgment to the best of their company and work of their own accord. Oh, and getting back to your kids - isn't that what you'd like to see yourself too when it comes to their learning habits? Otherwise you're in for a lifelong Sisyphus chore of intervention and control that undermines the very foundation of all family life: mutual love, appreciation and trust! Maybe it's worthwhile to invest a few minutes now and from then on each day to look into better ways of motivating your children. If so, read on (we can't cover all aspects in the space of an article, but this one won't be the last).

As Peter Kline says in his bestselling book "The Everyday Genius - Restoring Children's Natural Joy of Learning": "Your children have much greater talent than can be developed by our current educational system. You are going to have to help." Well, doesn't that mean your child is rather frustrated by being challenged TOO LITTLE rather than too much by the prevailing school system?

How you can start immediately

As we cannot give a full course in wonders here in this limited space I suggest you begin with two simple, effortless and almost no-cost measures (and then follow our other suggestions which we post over time later):

* Try and formulate everything you say POSITIVELY and try to make it a habit. Examples: instead of saying "Don't forget your homework" (suggesting to the subconscious something like "forget your homework") rather say "when will you do your homework", "Have you done ...". That doesn't mean you can't use negative wording, the catch is: whatever you SUGGEST must be a positive statement: to your child's subconscious a sentence such as "I wouldn't want you to fail" sends a covert message that contains the word "FAIL!" whereas if you say "I never said you shouldn't succeed" you send a covert message to "SUCCEED!". Make a list of all your typical verbal interactions with your child and see how often you use negative vs. positive words or phrases, then try and turn all the openly or covertly negative phrases around. TRAIN YOURSELF, and I know it takes some time, maybe a week, to use the new language, and after another week you should see first results.

* Ever since Émile Coué (1857-1926) gave his patients that one simple sentence to repeat "Every day, in every way, I am feeling better and better" psychology knows about the irresistible power of autosuggestion and belief systems. The single most frequent cause underlying children's learning "disabilities" are belief systems that keep them from trying and that act as self-fulfilling prophecies. Since your subconscious works all the time and takes over esp. during sleep, one of the best times to initiate positive change in belief systems is before you go to sleep. Try the following for a few weeks: over your children's bed put one or two sheets of paper, letter-size (A4) that you print the following statements on (as big as possible). "My memory stores everything I learned during the day when I sleep", "I can read perfectly well while dreaming" (for children with reading difficulties), "When I write while dreaming I get all words correct" (for the orthographically challenged). Do NOT write "... I don't make mistakes" - again that's a suggestion to do just that! I'm sure you can tailor more such sentences to just your child's respective needs when you experiment a little. Again, make a diary of effects and side-effects, you'll see noticeable effects after two weeks at the longest. Then rotate the posters to address other weaknesses and turn them around one by one.

With the growing positive effects your child will inevitably become more confident and happier which again feeds back into their intrinsic motivation to try harder even if they don't always succeed at once.


Franz Rasch is a business and educational consultant specializing in speed learning, memory enhancement and motivation coaching. He develops training materials and methods to increase intelligence and creativity. Get his e-Book "99 Learning Strategies" for free (limited time only) at CaptainMnemo.Net .

14 Cute Quotes To Say To Your Boyfriend

Chances are you may call it ridiculous but cute quotes for your boyfriend will continue to keep the love fires blazing hot. Cute quotes aren't just words, they show your devotion and love to your lover . They are important and vital because they make the love and romance more powerful. If you keep whispering these cute quotes to your true love, he will feel more affectionate towards you and adore you for all the love you shower on him.

What are some of the ways you can use them; let us count the ways:

1. Making up after and argument.
2. Before and after pillow talk
3. Surprise text message during the day.
4. Leave a voice mail on his cell.
5. Post a sticky note on his favorite drink.
6. Paste one on the steering wheel.
7. Stick one on the bathroom mirror.

And the list goes on and on. Just use you imagination.

Whatever may be the stage of your love with him, cute quotes for your boyfriend are sure to work wonders. Sometimes the quotes can be humorous and both of you will get a big laugh out of them.

You can find innumerable cute quotes for your boyfriend on line. And here are just a few

- When I was a child I had a teddy bear that held all of my secrets, shared all my adventures and wiped away all of my tears. I used to think no one could ever take his place then I found you!

- Whenever I hear your voice, I hear one more reason to keep you forever.

- Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life I don't have to work so hard on being happy, it just happens.

- One night I wished upon a star and 'you' came true.
- If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, If hugs were the leaves I would give you a tree, But if love was time, I would give you eternity.

- Before I met you I didn't know just what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.

- While you're in Love you can't go to sleep because reality is better than your dreams.

- if i were forced to make a choice between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.

- The very first time I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was terrified to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am scared to lose you.

- I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am when I'm with you.

- We've got: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes that let us see. Two ears to hear. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.

- Some of life's greatest things aren't meant to be seen which is why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry and dream.

- As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.

If you express your love through such cute quotes for your boyfriend, your feelings are expressed more effectively. These quotes will improve your relationship in a positive way.

5 sneaky secrets to win back your ex

If your wife broke up with you and want to know how to recover your relationship, I recommend you keep reading.
Did you know ...
9 times out of 10, when a relationship ends, it is the woman who leaves the man, because he has done something wrong.
Moreover, it is difficult for some men to maintain lasting relationships with women precisely because of this, not knowing how to act or how to handle situations, however, this can be achieved if we know exactly how to behave.
And to know how to retrieve a woman, the first order of business is to understand what you did wrong or why things were in such bad shape, to thereby have a better 'track' to help you recover.
You see, all women are different. Some have no problem in telling you in detail what you did wrong or anything that they did not like about you, and make the decision to leave.
While others are not so easy to understand� If you're trying to figure out what happened, or what went wrong, do not be afraid to ask. This is a big step when you know how to get your ex back, as she will tell you what she thinks you need to change to be with her.
If your ex-wife definitely will not tell you what you did wrong, or what bothered her, or just grew tired of you and you still want her back, I recommend you follow these steps.
How to Get the Girl - 5 tips to win back your ex
1) If you would like to get your ex back, and recover, you need to pay her more attention. Women hate it when men do not pay the necessary attention, and let�s face it, this is not a requirement that hard to do. It is vital in any relationship that you give the necessary attention to your beloved partner.
With this you can earn points by showing full attention she requires. This will make her feel loved and important to you.
2) Women have a different idea of emotional support than men. If you want to get your wife or girlfriend, and bring romance back into your lives, you need to know exactly what they are looking for in terms of emotional support.
Your ex-wife needs more than just verbal statements, therefore, if you buy something that she loves you're showing how much you care, and she will feel loved. And I'm not talking about chocolates, flowers, or those typical gifts of love, I'm talking about something that excites her, like a book, a movie or something that is related to a hobby that she enjoys.
3) Do not go out with other women. While it is important to show yourself to be a man who is attractive to other women, it is a mistake to start dating someone else.
You see, if your ex finds out you're dating another woman, she will think that everything is finished and your chances of recovering it go quickly out the window.
Even if she is dating someone, starting a relationship with another woman will not help you get back with your ex.
If you need to be with other women, you may not really want to get back into your previous relationship. If this is the case, you can turn the page now.
4) If you want to get back with your wife and you still live with her, show her you can help around the home and keep the place neat and tidy.
Women highly value collaboration, and men who are not "stuck" in the conflict and are able to do things as simple but important as keeping the home in good shape. You will gain many points.
5) This is the most important point: Become more Attractive. And by that I mean not only a physical change, but mainly in attitude and behavior. Your ex-wife wants to be with a man who is proud and admired, transform into that man.
Become the man of her dreams.
Work to attract her like you did when you first met.
Change your look subtly, always dress well and focus on your appearance and your diet. Do not get depressed or stay in your home. Go out with friends and have fun.
Distract yourself, meet new people, they will open your mind to new possibilities and clear away thoughts that you have day and night thinking about your ex-wife.
Break contact with your wife for a short time. Let it breathe. Become mysterious.
You lived a good life together and sure she remembers those times. If she does not talk to you for a couple of weeks she will miss you.
When relationships end, both sides begin to remember the good times in the relationship over the bad. This is why in so many relationships that end, they get back together in a few weeks or months.
One of the two parties, or both, realise that ending was a mistake and strive to fix problems.
Dude, you have to focus your work from now on not only recovering the relationship with your wife, but making it much stronger than before.
It teaches you step by step strategy to get your woman to make the connection, once retrieved, is stronger than ever.
Getting your ex back is not as difficult as many "experts" say. It only requires a strong commitment from the man and the ability to be more interesting and attractive to his wife.
The key is knowing how you show her the attention that you displayed at the beginning the relationship. That moment was all enthusiasm, passion and desire to be with the other person.
You see, the attraction of a woman by a man is not going as easily as it happens in the opposite case. Moreover, the attraction to a woman by a man never goes away.
A man�s attractiveness to his partner is like a volume knob, it can sometimes be higher, sometimes lower. It is rarely a switch that can be turned on or off permanently.
Your job is to keep the volume knob always high, making your woman feel attracted to you and admire you, so that she becomes your #1 Fan and wants to be with you in the "good" and "bad" times.
In the e-book, �The Magic of Making Up� by T-Dub Jackson, you will learn how to do just that, and mistakes to avoid. If you are serious about getting your ex back in your arms, you need to check this out and click here now. Give love, concern, responsibility and respect to your ex-wife, and see how things turn out.
Have a great success.

How to Manage and Relieve Your Stress

We are living in a world where we are always exposed to stressful situations. Losing a job, struggling at work or school, losing a home, marriage problems, parenting issues, debts, rising gas prices, etc., all of these are stressful situations that can make a person stressed out. The stress and pressure of everyday life can contribute to the occurrence of anxiety attacks. Most of the time we are caught off-guard and unprepared facing those stressors leading to anxiety and other negative emotions that affect us physically and psychologically. To improve the quality of your life and to prevent anxiety problems, it is important that you know how to manage and relieve your stress.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem that affects millions of people. Stress and anxiety in some ways are connected with each other. Stress is also linked to many kinds of illnesses either directly or indirectly. There are reports that stress can affect the normal function of the immune system making a stressed person vulnerable to different kinds of illnesses. Stress can also push a person to develop unhealthy habits like overeating, unhealthy eating, inactivity, smoking and drinking. If you will not learn how to manage and relieve your stress, it can ruin not only your health but also your entire life.

The truth is, it is impossible to live a stress-free life. Stress is a part of life and it is impossible to totally eliminate it but we can control and change how we react or respond to it. If you want to maintain a good health and peaceful life, you have to learn how to relieve your stress.

So, how to manage and relieve your stress?

Share. There is an old adage that says "no man is an island" and it is true. In order to survive a stressful situation, you have to share it with people you trust. These people may include your family, co-workers, friends and even your family doctor or a trusted counselor. If you are stressed at work, you can delegate the work to others or find ways on how to make your work lighter. If you want to talk to someone to manage and relieve your stress, your family and close friends are there. If you need professional help, there is nothing wrong to seek the advice of a therapist. Share your burden because there is help available for you.

Pull out from the current stressful situation for a while. Move! Avoid being idle because it is easier to become depressed if you will remain inactive or idle. Moving around will improve the supply of oxygen to your brain. If you are in your workplace and you are allowed to stand up and leave your post then walk for a while and smile with your co-employees to lighten up your mood. Another stress reliever is taking a walk outside and appreciate the beauty of nature. Play a game, do yoga, exercise or listen to music. The key is do something else to take your attention away from the stressor for a while to lighten up your mood and clear your mind so that when you return to the problem, it does not look as horrible as before.

Identify your stress triggers. Of course to effectively manage and relieve your stress, you have to make a list of your stress triggers. What makes you anxious and stressed out? Does dealing with multiple tasks at home or work causes more stress? Do you lack certain skills to perform your job well? Knowing what causes your stress can be very helpful if you want to manage and relieve your stress because you can take the necessary action to make the situation less stressful. For instance delegate tasks, attend trainings to learn the skills you need at work to address those stressful situations.

Stress and anxiety go hand in hand and if you have anxiety problems, knowing how to manage and relieve your stress can be very helpful. Do you want to find out how to relieve panic attacks? Visit Panic Disorder Freedom

Copyright � 2011 Thesie Cortez All Rights Reserved.

3 Tips to help Decrease Bleeding during Menstrual Cycle

Copyright (c) 2008 Hope Pope

Every month, many women suffer with heavy bleeding from their monthly menstrual period. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can be because of fibroids. Although fibroids are quite common, many times, the doctors won't remove them. The consequence is that many women will suffer each month with excessive bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be somewhat manageable when a woman doesn't have any children but adding children to the equation makes it even more difficult to deal with this each month. Every bit of energy is needed to take care of the kids and dealing with heavy bleeding is something every woman can do without.

Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.

The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first few days of the period... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.

The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, it will increase oxygen to the brain and provide the body with more energy. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... therefore, the third tip might be the most desirable.

Tip number three is to drink raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.

Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be "raw". Braggs raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.

Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.

The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.

An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy.


Hope Pope is the owner of ... a website that includes all natural cures for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, warts, moles, smoking, snoring and more. All of the cures have been proven to work.
Visit to see how Hope has helped her husband dramatically lower his cholesterol naturally.

Why Am I So Depressed After My Husband's Affair?


�I've fallen into a depressed state after my husband's affair. I'm really trying hard not to let it get me down, and I try and look on the bright side of life. I'm grateful that I have my health and my family. And I just feel like my husband's actions shouldn't impact my life like they have by bringing everything in my life to a halt. His actions shouldn't keep me from living my life. I've got a lot of really good things going on right now. And we're working hard to save our marriage and I feel like we've finally started to make some progress.

But because of his affair, many things in the past that brought me joy have now been ruined. He took her to a restaurant that we both loved and now I never want to go back there. She also goes to the same gym as me and so I no longer work out there. We've got kids in the same sports league. So I'm constantly reminded about his affair. It's like every day I have to face the past. It's gotten so bad that now I don't even want to leave my house.

I feel like everyone around me knows about what happened in the past and is judging me for it, even though deep down I know it's not true. I know I'm being over dramatic about it, but I can't help feeling the way I do. Everything that once brought me joy has been ruined. And I don't know what to do or how to get things back to the way they were before.

I tell myself that I'm good enough and I try to be strong for the kids, but I just can't shake my depressed feelings. How can I move past this?�


A lot of women suffer from depression when they are trying to rebuild their lives after an affair. However, one of the biggest problems that many women have when they are talking about this is that the feel that some how they are to blame or responsible for their husband's cheating ways.

Understand That This Is Not Your Fault

As was mentioned before, many women struggle with depression because they feel like they're not strong enough to overcome their feelings. But in my opinion, strength doesn't have much to do with it at all. I'll explain below:

People all around the world in every walk of life are hurt daily by infidelity. And if you're struggling right now, it doesn't mean that your weak or not strong. The reason you're struggling right now is because you've been hurt by someone you love. Don't fault yourself for that. And don't expect that you're going to overcome something as devastating as an affair over night. But if you're going to overcome your feelings, you'll need more than just a determined spirit. Sometimes what you really need is more time and in certain circumstances, help from others.

If you're going to blame anyone in the relationship for your feelings it should be for your husband who cheated on you. The tragedy here is that not only are you depressed, but you're also blaming yourself for something you had no control over. You didn't do anything wrong and you didn't deserve to have your husband cheat on you and accepting this is the first step to recovery.

How To Improve Your Situation Bit By Bit:

Understand there's going to be tough days ahead for you. There will be days when you don't even want to get out of bed or do anything constructive. This is normal so don't be alarmed. It doesn't mean that you're weak but you do need to counter these emotions with something positive.

You're probably going to have to force yourself to get out there and have a good time. Try doing things like going out with friends, going to the gym or watching a funny movie, but either way, it's important to break the cycle of depression with positive activities, especially when you feel like you've got no control over your feelings.

I understand that you can't control your feelings or when they come but you do have control over how you react to them and what you do about them. So you have two choices. you can either give into them and be depressed, or you can go out and be proactive and replace the negative feelings with positive ones. I'm not saying that this will work 100% of the time, but if you try and make a habit of doing positive things, eventually you'll start to feel better for longer periods of time.

Withdrawing from people and life may seem like the sensible thing to do at times, but in reality, this is the worst thing you can do. Reach out to someone, a family member or a friend but use them as a resource to get things off your chest. Sharing your emotions with others is a great way to get some perspective in your life as well as some much needed relief. Even a small reprieve from your depressed feelings can make a world of difference to how you feel and look at life.

If there are people you can't stand to see, or places you can't stand to go, there's nothing that says you can't avoid them until you feel better. You won't gain any points by making yourself feel worse than you already do just to make a point. Listen to your heart. You'll know when it's time to move forward and interact with these people and places again. Forcing yourself to do it will only frustrate you and the healing process. You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

If none of the tips I've mentioned above helps you with your depression after the affair , you may want to consider getting some professional help. You don't deserve to live with this type of pain, especially when you had nothing to do with it. Often the right person can help you overcome your emotional turmoil and provide you with the relief you need to survive an affair , but you need to be willing to ask for help. There's no need to suffer any longer so get the help you need so that you can move on with your life.

3 Tips to help Decrease Bleeding during Menstrual Cycle

Copyright (c) 2008 Hope Pope

Every month, many women suffer with heavy bleeding from their monthly menstrual period. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can be because of fibroids. Although fibroids are quite common, many times, the doctors won't remove them. The consequence is that many women will suffer each month with excessive bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be somewhat manageable when a woman doesn't have any children but adding children to the equation makes it even more difficult to deal with this each month. Every bit of energy is needed to take care of the kids and dealing with heavy bleeding is something every woman can do without.

Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.

The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first few days of the period... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.

The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, it will increase oxygen to the brain and provide the body with more energy. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... therefore, the third tip might be the most desirable.

Tip number three is to drink raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.

Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be "raw". Braggs raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.

Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.

The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.

An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy.


Hope Pope is the owner of ... a website that includes all natural cures for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, warts, moles, smoking, snoring and more. All of the cures have been proven to work.
Visit to see how Hope has helped her husband dramatically lower his cholesterol naturally.

Do I Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage on My Auto Policy If I Have Medicare or Health Insurance?

This is a very common question that we encounter in our practice. I've even heard of insurance agents who expressed the opinion that people do not need uninsured motorist coverage on their auto policy if they have health insurance or Medicare. The reasoning seems to be that following an accident their medical bills would be covered. Unfortunately, this reasoning fails to take into consideration all of the other benefits available from uninsured motorist coverage to someone who's been seriously injured in an auto accident or to the estate of someone who has been killed.

The purpose of uninsured motorist coverage is to compensate the insured for all of the elements of damage they would have been entitled to receive from the person causing the accident, but who carried no bodily injury insurance, or very low limits of coverage. In Florida, those damages would include: pain, suffering, disability, scarring, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of the enjoyment of life, lost earnings and earning capacity, as well as unpaid medical expenses incurred in the past, and those to be incurred in the future. Of this list of damage items, the only ones which would be covered by health insurance or Medicare would be "covered" medical expenses. Beyond having their medical expenses paid, someone carrying no uninsured motorist coverage, who was struck by an uninsured driver, would receive no compensation for all of the other elements of damage described above.

No one ever believes they will be involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. But every day throughout the state of Florida, hundreds of people are seriously injured who also believed it would never happen to them. Following a serious accident, the injured person will immediately begin to consider, who will compensate them for the substantial losses they have incurred and those which will be incurred in the future. Losses such as pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, as well as loss of earning capacity and earnings are very commonly encountered in relatively routine motor vehicle accidents. In the more serious accidents, all of these losses may be incurred, particularly those which involved the death of a loved one. People naturally become angry and frustrated when they have been struck by an uninsured driver, only to discover their own policy of insurance does not include uninsured motorist coverage.

There is something else to consider about carrying only Medicare or health insurance. If there is any liability coverage available to provide compensation of one's injuries, even though it may be woefully inadequate, Medicare and virtually all health insurance policies, have reimbursement rights. Federal statutes require reimbursement of benefits provided by Medicare and employer sponsored health insurance plans when the injured person receives compensation for their injuries. Most other health plans contain reimbursement rights which are regulated under state law, including Florida. This means that when someone's health insurance or Medicare provides benefits to them following an accident, those benefits are subject to being paid back if the injured person is successful in getting even minimal compensation from the party responsible.

Therefore, the only way someone may protect themselves is to carry the maximum amount of uninsured motorist coverage they can afford. We urge our clients to examine their declaration sheet on their auto policy, determine what coverage they actually have purchased, and call their agent to get a quote for uninsured motorist or additional uninsured motorist coverage.


Attorney James W. Dodson is a Clearwater, Florida personal injury trial lawyer with over 20 years experience representing clients in all types of injury claims including vehicle accidents, fall cases and wrongful death. He is the author of three books offered FREE to consumers as a guide to dealing with accidents and insurance. Visit his website at for FREE copies of these books, other articles, videos, news and commentary.

Easy methods to Get Back Your Boyfriend: 4 Psychological Ideas to Bring Him Back

Are you currently attempting to uncover the way to get back your boyfriend? You happen to be not alone. Thousands of girls are in a similar situation. There's a perfect and incorrect method to get your boyfriend back. You won't get your boyfriend back by calling him regularly, leaving him endless messages or stalking his good friends. Males only worth what they perform for. If you want to get your boyfriend back then you must get him attracted to you again.

Here are four psychological tips you are able to use to perform just that.

1. Stay Away: If you have been calling your boyfriend quit it quickly.

It is advisable to give oneself time to heal effectively or you will by no means have the ability to go forward. Giving your boyfriend some alone time is also precisely what it is advisable to pull him towards you. He's not going to know how significant you are too him should you preserve looming in the shadows.

2. Maintain chatting on the internet: Don't go into social hibernation just mainly because your relationship is over.

If something, you need to interact a lot more. Take a look at the pages of one's male associates and leave friendly chatty messages. Flirt with the appealing males on your list. Social media internet sites similar to Google+, MySpace and Facebook enable consumers to read your comments as long they may be within your buddy list. Even though he isn't there next to you, you are able to be certain that your ex-boyfriend will be reading every single single message you post and brimming with jealousy mixed using the to begin with undertones of regret.

three. Take A lot of Images: Guys snoop.

They pay a visit to the Facebook and MySpace pages of their ex-girlfriends to discover how they're performing. Take advantage of this. Do not just have enjoyable, take images to record the moment and post them on your diverse social media web sites. When you're hanging out together with your buddies take a picture. If you are at some fancy resort with handsome males hanging about you take a picture. Maintain a digital record of just how much enjoyable you are getting with out him. That's the best way to get back your boyfriend. Don't upload any picture that could possibly recommend that you happen to be miserable, still moping or you are not having enjoyable.

four. Go Out on A Genuine Date: Don't just pretend to be having fun.

Should you get invited on a date, go out. The much less time you devote with yourself inside your household, the much easier it's going to be for you to deal with your transition. Going on a date will enable you to rebuild your confidence and rediscover things about yourself which you have forgotten. Don't hide the truth that you are going on a date either. It does not have to be something apparent. Leave a subtle message on your account. A uncomplicated "Out with Carl" will speak volumes and get your ex-boyfriend all jealous. In the event you run into his associates be sure you ask them how their night was.

Once they respond and ask you precisely the same question, laugh and say, "I hung with a friend" after which easily alter the subject. Don't worry. He'll hear about it five minutes after you have walked away. It may well sound devious, but you will need to have just a little deviousness if you would like to learn the way to get back your boyfriend.

Pay a visit to Right here to access another Tricks on "Get your ex boyfriend back ".

5 sneaky secrets to win back your ex

If your wife broke up with you and want to know how to recover your relationship, I recommend you keep reading.
Did you know ...
9 times out of 10, when a relationship ends, it is the woman who leaves the man, because he has done something wrong.
Moreover, it is difficult for some men to maintain lasting relationships with women precisely because of this, not knowing how to act or how to handle situations, however, this can be achieved if we know exactly how to behave.
And to know how to retrieve a woman, the first order of business is to understand what you did wrong or why things were in such bad shape, to thereby have a better 'track' to help you recover.
You see, all women are different. Some have no problem in telling you in detail what you did wrong or anything that they did not like about you, and make the decision to leave.
While others are not so easy to understand� If you're trying to figure out what happened, or what went wrong, do not be afraid to ask. This is a big step when you know how to get your ex back, as she will tell you what she thinks you need to change to be with her.
If your ex-wife definitely will not tell you what you did wrong, or what bothered her, or just grew tired of you and you still want her back, I recommend you follow these steps.
How to Get the Girl - 5 tips to win back your ex
1) If you would like to get your ex back, and recover, you need to pay her more attention. Women hate it when men do not pay the necessary attention, and let�s face it, this is not a requirement that hard to do. It is vital in any relationship that you give the necessary attention to your beloved partner.
With this you can earn points by showing full attention she requires. This will make her feel loved and important to you.
2) Women have a different idea of emotional support than men. If you want to get your wife or girlfriend, and bring romance back into your lives, you need to know exactly what they are looking for in terms of emotional support.
Your ex-wife needs more than just verbal statements, therefore, if you buy something that she loves you're showing how much you care, and she will feel loved. And I'm not talking about chocolates, flowers, or those typical gifts of love, I'm talking about something that excites her, like a book, a movie or something that is related to a hobby that she enjoys.
3) Do not go out with other women. While it is important to show yourself to be a man who is attractive to other women, it is a mistake to start dating someone else.
You see, if your ex finds out you're dating another woman, she will think that everything is finished and your chances of recovering it go quickly out the window.
Even if she is dating someone, starting a relationship with another woman will not help you get back with your ex.
If you need to be with other women, you may not really want to get back into your previous relationship. If this is the case, you can turn the page now.
4) If you want to get back with your wife and you still live with her, show her you can help around the home and keep the place neat and tidy.
Women highly value collaboration, and men who are not "stuck" in the conflict and are able to do things as simple but important as keeping the home in good shape. You will gain many points.
5) This is the most important point: Become more Attractive. And by that I mean not only a physical change, but mainly in attitude and behavior. Your ex-wife wants to be with a man who is proud and admired, transform into that man.
Become the man of her dreams.
Work to attract her like you did when you first met.
Change your look subtly, always dress well and focus on your appearance and your diet. Do not get depressed or stay in your home. Go out with friends and have fun.
Distract yourself, meet new people, they will open your mind to new possibilities and clear away thoughts that you have day and night thinking about your ex-wife.
Break contact with your wife for a short time. Let it breathe. Become mysterious.
You lived a good life together and sure she remembers those times. If she does not talk to you for a couple of weeks she will miss you.
When relationships end, both sides begin to remember the good times in the relationship over the bad. This is why in so many relationships that end, they get back together in a few weeks or months.
One of the two parties, or both, realise that ending was a mistake and strive to fix problems.
Dude, you have to focus your work from now on not only recovering the relationship with your wife, but making it much stronger than before.
It teaches you step by step strategy to get your woman to make the connection, once retrieved, is stronger than ever.
Getting your ex back is not as difficult as many "experts" say. It only requires a strong commitment from the man and the ability to be more interesting and attractive to his wife.
The key is knowing how you show her the attention that you displayed at the beginning the relationship. That moment was all enthusiasm, passion and desire to be with the other person.
You see, the attraction of a woman by a man is not going as easily as it happens in the opposite case. Moreover, the attraction to a woman by a man never goes away.
A man�s attractiveness to his partner is like a volume knob, it can sometimes be higher, sometimes lower. It is rarely a switch that can be turned on or off permanently.
Your job is to keep the volume knob always high, making your woman feel attracted to you and admire you, so that she becomes your #1 Fan and wants to be with you in the "good" and "bad" times.
In the e-book, �The Magic of Making Up� by T-Dub Jackson, you will learn how to do just that, and mistakes to avoid. If you are serious about getting your ex back in your arms, you need to check this out and click here now. Give love, concern, responsibility and respect to your ex-wife, and see how things turn out.
Have a great success.

How to Manage and Relieve Your Stress

We are living in a world where we are always exposed to stressful situations. Losing a job, struggling at work or school, losing a home, marriage problems, parenting issues, debts, rising gas prices, etc., all of these are stressful situations that can make a person stressed out. The stress and pressure of everyday life can contribute to the occurrence of anxiety attacks. Most of the time we are caught off-guard and unprepared facing those stressors leading to anxiety and other negative emotions that affect us physically and psychologically. To improve the quality of your life and to prevent anxiety problems, it is important that you know how to manage and relieve your stress.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem that affects millions of people. Stress and anxiety in some ways are connected with each other. Stress is also linked to many kinds of illnesses either directly or indirectly. There are reports that stress can affect the normal function of the immune system making a stressed person vulnerable to different kinds of illnesses. Stress can also push a person to develop unhealthy habits like overeating, unhealthy eating, inactivity, smoking and drinking. If you will not learn how to manage and relieve your stress, it can ruin not only your health but also your entire life.

The truth is, it is impossible to live a stress-free life. Stress is a part of life and it is impossible to totally eliminate it but we can control and change how we react or respond to it. If you want to maintain a good health and peaceful life, you have to learn how to relieve your stress.

So, how to manage and relieve your stress?

Share. There is an old adage that says "no man is an island" and it is true. In order to survive a stressful situation, you have to share it with people you trust. These people may include your family, co-workers, friends and even your family doctor or a trusted counselor. If you are stressed at work, you can delegate the work to others or find ways on how to make your work lighter. If you want to talk to someone to manage and relieve your stress, your family and close friends are there. If you need professional help, there is nothing wrong to seek the advice of a therapist. Share your burden because there is help available for you.

Pull out from the current stressful situation for a while. Move! Avoid being idle because it is easier to become depressed if you will remain inactive or idle. Moving around will improve the supply of oxygen to your brain. If you are in your workplace and you are allowed to stand up and leave your post then walk for a while and smile with your co-employees to lighten up your mood. Another stress reliever is taking a walk outside and appreciate the beauty of nature. Play a game, do yoga, exercise or listen to music. The key is do something else to take your attention away from the stressor for a while to lighten up your mood and clear your mind so that when you return to the problem, it does not look as horrible as before.

Identify your stress triggers. Of course to effectively manage and relieve your stress, you have to make a list of your stress triggers. What makes you anxious and stressed out? Does dealing with multiple tasks at home or work causes more stress? Do you lack certain skills to perform your job well? Knowing what causes your stress can be very helpful if you want to manage and relieve your stress because you can take the necessary action to make the situation less stressful. For instance delegate tasks, attend trainings to learn the skills you need at work to address those stressful situations.

Stress and anxiety go hand in hand and if you have anxiety problems, knowing how to manage and relieve your stress can be very helpful. Do you want to find out how to relieve panic attacks? Visit Panic Disorder Freedom

Copyright � 2011 Thesie Cortez All Rights Reserved.

3 Tips to help Decrease Bleeding during Menstrual Cycle

Copyright (c) 2008 Hope Pope

Every month, many women suffer with heavy bleeding from their monthly menstrual period. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can be because of fibroids. Although fibroids are quite common, many times, the doctors won't remove them. The consequence is that many women will suffer each month with excessive bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be somewhat manageable when a woman doesn't have any children but adding children to the equation makes it even more difficult to deal with this each month. Every bit of energy is needed to take care of the kids and dealing with heavy bleeding is something every woman can do without.

Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.

The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first few days of the period... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.

The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, it will increase oxygen to the brain and provide the body with more energy. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... therefore, the third tip might be the most desirable.

Tip number three is to drink raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.

Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be "raw". Braggs raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.

Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.

The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.

An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy.


Hope Pope is the owner of ... a website that includes all natural cures for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, warts, moles, smoking, snoring and more. All of the cures have been proven to work.
Visit to see how Hope has helped her husband dramatically lower his cholesterol naturally.

3 Tips to help Decrease Bleeding during Menstrual Cycle

Copyright (c) 2008 Hope Pope

Every month, many women suffer with heavy bleeding from their monthly menstrual period. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can be because of fibroids. Although fibroids are quite common, many times, the doctors won't remove them. The consequence is that many women will suffer each month with excessive bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be somewhat manageable when a woman doesn't have any children but adding children to the equation makes it even more difficult to deal with this each month. Every bit of energy is needed to take care of the kids and dealing with heavy bleeding is something every woman can do without.

Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.

The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first few days of the period... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.

The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, it will increase oxygen to the brain and provide the body with more energy. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... therefore, the third tip might be the most desirable.

Tip number three is to drink raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.

Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be "raw". Braggs raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.

Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.

The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.

An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy.


Hope Pope is the owner of ... a website that includes all natural cures for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, warts, moles, smoking, snoring and more. All of the cures have been proven to work.
Visit to see how Hope has helped her husband dramatically lower his cholesterol naturally.

Do I Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage on My Auto Policy If I Have Medicare or Health Insurance?

This is a very common question that we encounter in our practice. I've even heard of insurance agents who expressed the opinion that people do not need uninsured motorist coverage on their auto policy if they have health insurance or Medicare. The reasoning seems to be that following an accident their medical bills would be covered. Unfortunately, this reasoning fails to take into consideration all of the other benefits available from uninsured motorist coverage to someone who's been seriously injured in an auto accident or to the estate of someone who has been killed.

The purpose of uninsured motorist coverage is to compensate the insured for all of the elements of damage they would have been entitled to receive from the person causing the accident, but who carried no bodily injury insurance, or very low limits of coverage. In Florida, those damages would include: pain, suffering, disability, scarring, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of the enjoyment of life, lost earnings and earning capacity, as well as unpaid medical expenses incurred in the past, and those to be incurred in the future. Of this list of damage items, the only ones which would be covered by health insurance or Medicare would be "covered" medical expenses. Beyond having their medical expenses paid, someone carrying no uninsured motorist coverage, who was struck by an uninsured driver, would receive no compensation for all of the other elements of damage described above.

No one ever believes they will be involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. But every day throughout the state of Florida, hundreds of people are seriously injured who also believed it would never happen to them. Following a serious accident, the injured person will immediately begin to consider, who will compensate them for the substantial losses they have incurred and those which will be incurred in the future. Losses such as pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, as well as loss of earning capacity and earnings are very commonly encountered in relatively routine motor vehicle accidents. In the more serious accidents, all of these losses may be incurred, particularly those which involved the death of a loved one. People naturally become angry and frustrated when they have been struck by an uninsured driver, only to discover their own policy of insurance does not include uninsured motorist coverage.

There is something else to consider about carrying only Medicare or health insurance. If there is any liability coverage available to provide compensation of one's injuries, even though it may be woefully inadequate, Medicare and virtually all health insurance policies, have reimbursement rights. Federal statutes require reimbursement of benefits provided by Medicare and employer sponsored health insurance plans when the injured person receives compensation for their injuries. Most other health plans contain reimbursement rights which are regulated under state law, including Florida. This means that when someone's health insurance or Medicare provides benefits to them following an accident, those benefits are subject to being paid back if the injured person is successful in getting even minimal compensation from the party responsible.

Therefore, the only way someone may protect themselves is to carry the maximum amount of uninsured motorist coverage they can afford. We urge our clients to examine their declaration sheet on their auto policy, determine what coverage they actually have purchased, and call their agent to get a quote for uninsured motorist or additional uninsured motorist coverage.


Attorney James W. Dodson is a Clearwater, Florida personal injury trial lawyer with over 20 years experience representing clients in all types of injury claims including vehicle accidents, fall cases and wrongful death. He is the author of three books offered FREE to consumers as a guide to dealing with accidents and insurance. Visit his website at for FREE copies of these books, other articles, videos, news and commentary.
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